F.A. PREMIERSHIP REVIEW 94'/PREVIEW 95' =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Jocky Here folks,and football mad as ever.Seeing as the football season is over,apart from play-offs etc....,i thought id give my opinions on every teams performance this year.I know that in Issue 3 of the Word I Tipped Man United for the league and Blackburn to finish 3rd,hell, we can't always be right!!! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Champions : Blackburn rovers Team Rating : 85% {This rating is for the skill the team have} Play Rating : 40% {Rating is for the excitment the team produce} Top Player : Alan Shearer All credit to Blackburn,they have deserved to win the title this year through sheer determination.Jack Walkers money has obviously bought the success they are breathing the now,but the team still had to gel,and gel is what they did.Unfortuntely,Blackburn won the league by a series of Long Ball and Direct Ball tactics,so they better start to think about changing this of they want the public to respect them. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Runners-Up : Manchester United Team Rating : 92% Play Rating : 95% Top Player : Peter Schmeichel To be honest,you couldnt have asked any more from United this year.They still have the breathtaking skill,the swift passing game,and the sheer resiliance which is bettered by nobody.But what went wrong? Well,the Injuries may be something to hide behind,but they did influence the final results in the end.Would Cantona/Giggs/Kanchelskis/Keane/Parker have let West Ham destroy there Championship hopes on the final day of the season? dont make me bloody laugh.United will be back next year, mark my unbiased words! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 3RD : Nottingham Forest Team Rating : 78% Play Rating : 83% Top Player : Stan "The Man" Collymore Forest have certainly surprised me this year.I expected a mid table position for them,but with some nice play involving Stan Collymore and Bryan Roy {I take back what I said in The Word - Issue 3!!},They deserve their place in Europe. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 4TH : Liverpool Team Rating : 84% Play Rating : 70% Top Player : Steve McManaman Another not bad/nothing special season fo Liverpool.On the good side, they won the reserves cup,sorry...The Coca Cola Cup,and finished quite high in the league,but yet they still lack that certain thing,I cant quite put my finger on it......... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 5TH : Leeds United Team Rating : 78% Play Rating : 69% Top Player : Tony Yeboah Leeds United,yet again,finish High up the table with a strong finish at the end of the season putting them into Europe.They still have that defence full of also rans,but That man Yeboah is certainly giving them the bite upfront.Look out for A Yeboah goalsaramma next year,taking Leeds very close to the Championship. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 6TH : Newcastle United Team Rating : 80% Play Rating : 74% Top Player : Peter Beardsley Ill Sum up Newcastle simply here : Start of season,Cole and Beardo are having the time of there lives,knocking in goal after goal.Keegan decides to sell King Coal,and what happens Down.............they... ..go......,still,next season should be very different,with a new strike force on the way. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 7TH : Tottenham Hotspur Team Rating : 89% Play Rating : 80% Top Player : Jurgen Klinsmann (Soon to return to Bayern Munich) You may notice the high marks I have give Spurs,so why didnt they finish in the top 3? well,lets be honest: The Defence.No real stars, Calderwood still shows his lower league talent,and I cant even rem- ember the other players.Oh yes,Sol Campbell,not bad,but prone to mistakes.Apart from the defence,Spurs have a fantastic team,especially Anderton,the best winger in the premier apart from Giggs,Kanchelskis, Sharpe and McManaman! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 8TH : Q.P.R. Team Rating : 68% Play Rating : 75% Top Player : Les Ferdinand Another no frill,no nonsense season for the Rangers.Expect a lower league position next year if Ferdinand and Sinclair go,but Gallen should stick around,with powerful results.Mid table next year im afraid Rangers fans,still,better than the drop aint it?! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 9TH : Wimbledon Team Rating : 50% Play Rating : 23% Top Player : Warren Barton Usuall crap style of play,which ends more than often in victories! Ive nothing against Wimbledon,its just that they are never going to win the league by selling all there talent,but 9th position isnt bad at all! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 10th : Southampton Team Rating : 58% Play Rating : 65% Top Player : Matt Le-Tissier Nice finish to the season for Southampton,winning a few games on the stot,and thats about all I can say about these lads.Le-Tissier will stay for another year,then he'll be off. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 11th : Chelsea Team Rating : 67% Play Rating : 70% Top Player : Mark Stein Apart from the run in the Cup Winners Cup,they havent really set the league alight this year have they? Another standard season...... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 12th : Arsenal Team Rating : 80% Play Rating : 50% Top Player : Tony Adams Another excellent run In the Cup Winners Cup,but poor in the league. They seem to have lost there defencive edge in the premier,which has resulted in a drop of standards.Should finish higher in the league next year though,probably with Houston as manager. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 13th : Sheffield Wednesday Team Rating : 65% Play Rating : 49% Top Player : Chris Bart-Williams Very poor season for Wednesday.On the outside,they look a very nice outfit,with Des Walker,Bart-Williams,Hirst,Woods and Bright.Unfortuna- tly for them,they mix like oil and water ie...They Dont!! No organisation,nothing. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 14th : West Ham Team Rating : 60% Play Rating : 60% Top Player : Marc Rieper Apart from the fact that they cost Man United the league,Hammers fans cant really have much to shout about this year.Nice defence now though, very organised! ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 15th : Everton Team Rating : 75% Play Rating : 89% Top Player : Duncan Ferguson I like Everton,I admit! Even though they take on my team in the FA Cup Final,they have a very strong outfit,and if it wasnt for Joe Royal ariving far too late in the season,The league could look very,very different indeed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 16th : Coventry Team Rating : 54% Play Rating : 56% Top Player : Gordon Strachan Coventry pulled of a master stroke in getting Ron Atkinson and Gordon Stachan at the club,but seeing as it was late on in the year,ill reserve my judgements until the end of next season! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 17th : Manchester City Team Rating : 75% Play Rating : 60% Top Player : Uwe Rosler Yet again,City defy there good looking team,nice stadium,and end up at the wrong half of the league.Ive just heard today that Horton has been sacked as manager,so Someone may get the City going next year! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 18th : Aston Villa Team Rating : 70% Play Rating : 70% Top Player : Nii Lamptey Remember I tipped Lamptey to be a star in The Word Issue 3? well,can you believe that Villa have only played him in about 5 games for the whole of the season! Get him in the team Brian Little,and reep the rewards. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 19th : Crystal Palace [RELEGATED] Team Rating : 59% Play Rating : 74% Top Player : Chris Armstrong I went to see the Man United - Crystal Palace FA Cup Semi,and I thought that Palace were a cracking side! What Happens? They go down!! A real pity for them,relegated,and now managerless.Armstrong is a great player, and should be in the Premiership next year,probably with Newcastle Utd. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20th : Norwich City [RELEGATED] Team Rating : 40% Play Rating : 60% Top Player : Mike Sheron Ha Ha Bloody Ha!! One minute they are beating Bayern Munich,the next they are relegated! What a bloody demise.I cant really say what went wrong with Norwich,probably a lack of effort,and of course,not having any good players,due to the Chairmans greed. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 21st : Liecester City [RELEGATED] Team Rating : 34% Play Rating : 37% Top Player : Julian Joachim Unfortunatly,Liecester had there top player out for nearly all season, which didnt help them at all.The biggest reason is they simply arent good enough for the premier,but they still have a cracking manager in Mark McGhee. -------------------------------------------------------------------- 22nd : Ipswich Town [RELEGATED] Team Rating : 13% Play Rating : 40% Top Player : Alex Mathie Poor old crappy Ipswich.Im going to make a strange prediction here, that Ipswich are going to be relegated next year as well,straight into division 2!! They are crap,simple as that.They have no quality, no hope,no nothing. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Coming soon - Predictions for next year 96!! |Jocky Independant as FUCK!